
glass of water sits on wood table

Does Water Help You Lose Weight?

Drinking water and weight loss just seems to be one of those things that always get lumped together, although a lot of diets don’t really explain why you should drink more water to lose weight. They just tell you to do it. While water has all kinds of health benefits, and can certainly be part…

a lady eating a bowl of special k cereal

The Special K Diet | Does It Work?

First, it’s important to understand that to be successful at hitting your fat loss and overall fitness goals, you have to stop thinking about “a diet” as something you do before your vacation to the Caribbean. Your “diet” is a combination of your choices in food and your lifestyle, not something you do for a…

a clear jar containing many clear fish oil capsules

Who Needs An Omega-3 Supplement?

In the drug store, the pills come in many types: Fish oil, krill oil, and general omega-3 supplements. While there are many names and types of omega-3 supplements, many are often left wondering if these purchases are right for them. Omega-3 risks? Several years ago, an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association…

bowl of cottage cheese with blueberries on top

Health Benefits of Cottage Cheese

It’s 9 pm and you’re getting the those evening snack cravings. You feel like breaking out the nacho chips, but your fitness sense tell you to find something healthy that will carry you through the rest of the evening. What do you do? You reach for the cottage cheese. There’s a good reason that the…

breakfast of oatmeal

Is Instant Oatmeal Good For You?

Given the choice between eating no oatmeal, and eating instant oatmeal, I would say the instant oats are still a good breakfast choice (with some caveats.) Maybe not ideal, but eating healthy is a matter of degrees. The reason oatmeal consistently makes my top 10 list of clean eating foods is two fold: It’s high…