Author: Annie Micheaux

big pot of soup on a stove

The Soup Diet

The soup diet is one of the many diets in circulation accredited to either anonymous sources or sources that do not claim responsibility. While the soup diet is similar to the cabbage diet, the only difference appears to be that the soup of the soup diet contains no cabbage. In reality, the seven day meal…

a lady eating a bowl of special k cereal

The Special K Diet | Does It Work?

First, it’s important to understand that to be successful at hitting your fat loss and overall fitness goals, you have to stop thinking about “a diet” as something you do before your vacation to the Caribbean. Your “diet” is a combination of your choices in food and your lifestyle, not something you do for a…

a clear jar containing many clear fish oil capsules

Who Needs An Omega-3 Supplement?

In the drug store, the pills come in many types: Fish oil, krill oil, and general omega-3 supplements. While there are many names and types of omega-3 supplements, many are often left wondering if these purchases are right for them. Omega-3 risks? Several years ago, an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association…