diabetic-friendly foods

12 Great Foods That Can Help Control Your Diabetes

Many doctors and organizations around the world do believe today that there are Foods that can help cure diabetes and diabetics are advised to consume those kind of foods that can alleviate/reverse their condition for a better healthier life.

Here is our pick for

Foods That Can Help Cure Diabetes



Avocados have a lot of health advantages for diabetics. Richly packed with amazing quantities of monosaturated fats, avocados decelerate digestion and thus prevent the usual spiking of blood sugar levels after meals. For an appetizing daily dose, many top nutritionists advise you to put mashed avocados on sandwiches instead of mayonnaise or butter.



Apples, just like the time-honored adage goes, have a magic way of keeping the doctor away. These legendary fruits are singularly great for diabetics as they blunt blood sugar swings and eradicate excess cholesterol.

By the same token, apples contain a host of wholesome antioxidants that slow down several diabetes symptoms. In fact, taking an apple each day is a fantastic way to meet the customary meal-time fruit requirement and kick diabetes out of your body at the same time.



Individuals battling diabetes are advised to eat beans at least twice a week. The soluble fiber in nearly all types of beans puts a tight lid on high blood sugar levels. Given the fact that beans are also a principal source of protein, they may even take the place of meat in main meals. Credible clinical studies have shown that regular consumption of beans slows down diabetes and its accompanying symptoms.



Replacing white rice with barley reduces after-meal spiking of blood sugar levels by a whopping 70%. As such, eating regular amounts of barley lowers and steadies sugar levels for many hours.

This is majorly because its high fiber content and other useful compounds slow down both digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.

Nonetheless, the truth that barley alleviates diabetes is not an endorsement for the consumption of beers or any other alcoholic beverages that have barley as one of their ingredients.



Berries are colorful, sweet, and satisfying to all, and essentially helpful for individuals who have blood sugar problems. Berries fight diabetes and its manifestations due to the fact they are rich in natural fiber and some vital antioxidants. The essential compounds in berries include anthocyanins which accelerate the production of insulin.

Despite being an excellent diabetes cure and are in the of the list of foods that can help cure diabetes.

berries also counteract several cardiovascular complications to which people with diabetes are mainly predisposed. According American Diabetes Association, people who frequently eat berries report near-nil blood sugar issues throughout their lives.



Unlike the popular myth that beef is not good for people with diabetes, leading medics maintain that it greatly alleviates the condition. However, they prescribe that you pick the leanest cuts and eat beef moderately. Full of protein, beef helps you keep your muscle mass intact and lifts your m

etabolic rate. Nevertheless, you are not supposed to eat beef more than twice a week. Again, remember to boil instead of frying your delicious beef cut.

Many of the vegetables below can be juiced and you might want to look at these Masticating juicers for some of the best options on the market.



While you may have heard the false claims that carrots increase

one’s blood sugar level, the truth is that they help suppress it. Although it’s undeniable that carrots indeed contain some sugar, the quantities are too low to trigger any meaningful health concerns.

What many people may not know about carrots is that they have ample amounts of beta carotene – a natural compound that is universally linked to reduced risks of diabetes. For the best results, experts advise diabetic patients to eat raw carrots rather than cooked ones.

This is because uncooked carrots have higher percentages of essential natural components that combat diabetes and its health-related signs.



Besides being full of rare antioxidants, broccoli is also filling and fibrous. Chromium is just one of the numerous broccoli components that play a vital role in long-term sugar control. Although some individuals may brave the unsavory taste of uncooked broccoli, others find it quite unpleasant even when cooked. If you don’t like this food, you may “hide” it in pasta dishes and casseroles. Whether raw or cooked, broccoli remains one of the most acclaimed natural panaceas for diabetes out there.

Chicken/ Turkey

Chicken/ Turkey

While both chicken and turkey meats can be high-fat no-go zones, choosing the leanest cuts and meticulous preparation makes them an absolutely healthy fare. As you do the selection, note that breast chicken/turkey meat is leaner than drumsticks and thighs.

If chosen well, these low-calorie meats are a fantastic source of proteins to maintain your muscle mass and boost your metabolic rate – two great ways to beat diabetes and its major symptoms.



Diabetes and cardiovascular complications are variously interconnected. In fact, heart disease is the deadliest complication associated with blood sugar imbalances. However, eating fish at least two times in a week reduces heart-related complications by more than 40%. The wonderful fatty acids and antioxidants in fish are a perfect diabetes cure, with absolutely no accompanying risks.



You will hardly go wrong with nuts if you have diabetes. First, its copious fiber content is a great plus as it slows down digestion and absorption. This reduces the dangerous shooting of sugar levels immediately after eating. While most nuts contain fat, it’s the healthy monosaturated type that fights diabetes symptoms and poses no harm at all. To make them more palatable, you may roast your routine bite of nuts.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil

Olive oil has been likened to liquid gold, with several anti-inflammatory components that renowned researchers compare to those of aspirin. For many decades, olive oil has been linked to reduced risk of diabetes and heart disease. Particularly, olive oil combats inflammation, slows down diabetes, and reverses insulin resistance. According to the British Diabetic Association (British Diabetic Association (November 2009).

Festive Foods and Easy Entertaining. British Diabetic Association. ISBN 9781899288878.), olive oil is an integral part of the Mediterranean Diet – a profoundly helpful lifestyle associated with near-zero cases of diabetes. As such, a regular touch of olive oil twice every week will counter blood sugar complications and the associated symptoms.

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